Your Echovate account has been set up, you’ve invited your team members or applicants, and new profiles are rolling into your account. Excellent! However, you quickly realize that you are not a psychologist, and you aren’t exactly sure what these results mean. Don’t worry, we’ve got a few handy tips to use when interpreting an Echovate Profile.
However, before we jump in, let’s discuss what an Echovate assessment is actually measuring. Our assessment is designed to measure ten key behavioral attributes rooted in the widely-used 5 Factor Model that helps people understand the correlation between personality traits and behaviors. It might sound complicated, but that’s why Echovate breaks it down for you. So, here are a few ways you can make the most out of the data you are viewing in your Echovate account.
4 Tips for Better Understanding an Echovate Profile
1. Read the text!
This might be obvious, but many users simply glance at the scales and make assumptions without reading the supporting text. The narratives are there to guide you and provide context for what it means to fall along different points on the scale, removing any guesswork.

2. Not all high scores are good scores.
If you export the data from Echovate, you can see a score associated with each attribute for each profile. It’s easy to assume that shooting for 100 in every category is the way to go. However, when you look at Echovate scores alongside your performance data, you might find that getting a low score actually indicates better performance. For example, check out this recent data study where we found that real estate agents who were less flexible yielded higher sales. (This is where our Science team can help! See tip #4)
3. Different attributes matter for different roles.
Echovate profiles are designed to give you a holistic overview of an individual’s personality. And while this information is important to understand how this person thinks and behaves, it doesn’t necessarily impact their performance in a particular role. Let’s say you are hiring for a remote customer service position. Self-discipline and empathy might be two important traits analyze, but perhaps their leadership capabilities really won’t impact how they perform. It’s important to view each profile through the lens of the role. What personality traits make people successful in this role? What red flags should you be looking for?
4. Lean on the Echovate Data Science Team!
That’s what we are here for! And let’s be honest, we geek out on this stuff. After you’ve collected a few profiles on your team, you can share your performance metrics with our team, and we’ll help you define which attributes matter the most for that particular role within your organization. If you don’t have time or enough data points on your team, we can also set you up with industry standards for any role that you are hiring.
Echovate is uniquely designed to help organizations find the best fit - specific to their organization, past performance, and culture. If you are interested in learning more about Echovate, how to interpret our profiles, or what the assessment experience is like, reach out to our team at